Repository Naming

The naming convention for new Cluster API provider repositories is generally of the form cluster-api-provider-${env}, where ${env} is a, possibly short, name for the environment in question. For example cluster-api-provider-gcp is an implementation for the Google Cloud Platform, and cluster-api-provider-aws is one for Amazon Web Services. Note that an environment may refer to a cloud, bare metal, virtual machines, or any other infrastructure hosting Kubernetes. Finally, a single environment may include more than one variant. So for example, cluster-api-provider-aws may include both an implementation based on EC2 as well as one based on their hosted EKS solution.


For the purposes of this guide we will create a fictional provider for a cloud provider named solas. Therefore the name of the repository will be cluster-api-provider-solas.

Resource Naming

Every Kubernetes resource has a Group, Version and Kind that uniquely identifies it.

  • The resource Kind is the short name of the API, for example, SolasMachineSpec and SolasMachineStatus could be the provider specific API for Machine resources.
  • The resource Version defines the stability of the API and its backward compatibility guarantees. Examples include v1alpha1, v1beta1, v1, etc. and are governed by the Kubernetes API Deprecation Policy 1.
  • The resource Group is similar to package in a language. It disambiguates different APIs that may happen to have identically named Kinds. Groups often contain a domain name, such as The domain for Cluster API resources is
kind: SolasMachineSpec
kind: SolasMachineStatus

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