Cluster Resources

A Cluster represents the global configuration of a Kubernetes cluster.


Cluster has 4 fields:

Spec contains the desired cluster state specified by the object. While much of the Spec is defined by users, unspecified parts may be filled in with defaults or by Controllers such as autoscalers.

Status contains only observed cluster state and is only written by controllers. Status is not the source of truth for any information, but instead aggregates and publishes observed state.

TypeMeta contains metadata about the API itself - such as Group, Version, Kind.

ObjectMeta contains metadata about the specific object instance, for example, it's name, namespace, labels, and annotations, etc. ObjectMeta contains data common to most objects.

// Cluster is the Schema for the clusters API
// +k8s:openapi-gen=true
// +kubebuilder:resource:shortName=cl
// +kubebuilder:subresource:status
type Cluster struct {
    metav1.TypeMeta   `json:",inline"`
    metav1.ObjectMeta `json:"metadata,omitempty"`

    Spec   ClusterSpec   `json:"spec,omitempty"`
    Status ClusterStatus `json:"status,omitempty"`


The ClusterNetwork field includes the information necessary to configure kubelet networking for Pods and Services.

The ProviderSpec is recommended to be a serialized API object in a format owned by that provider. This will allow the configuration to be strongly typed, versioned, and have as much nested depth as appropriate. These provider-specific API definitions are meant to live outside of the Cluster API, which will allow them to evolve independently of it.

// ClusterSpec defines the desired state of Cluster
type ClusterSpec struct {
    // Cluster network configuration
    // +optional
    ClusterNetwork ClusterNetworkingConfig `json:"clusterNetwork"`

    // Provider-specific serialized configuration to use during
    // cluster creation. It is recommended that providers maintain
    // their own versioned API types that should be
    // serialized/deserialized from this field.
    // +optional
    ProviderSpec ProviderSpec `json:"providerSpec,omitempty"`


Like ProviderSpec, ProviderStatus is recommended to be a serialized API object in a format owned by that provider.

Some providers use the APIEndpoint field to determine when one or more control plane machines have been provisioned. This may be necessary before worker nodes can be provisioned. For example, cluster-api-provider-gcp does this:

    if len(cluster.Status.APIEndpoints) == 0 {
        return nil, fmt.Errorf("control plane endpoint not found in apiEndpoints for cluster %v", cluster)

TODO: Provide examples of how ErrorReason and ErrorMessage are used in practice.

// ClusterStatus defines the observed state of Cluster
type ClusterStatus struct {
    // APIEndpoint represents the endpoint to communicate with the IP.
    // +optional
    APIEndpoints []APIEndpoint `json:"apiEndpoints,omitempty"`

    // NB: Eventually we will redefine ErrorReason as ClusterStatusError once the
    // following issue is fixed.

    // If set, indicates that there is a problem reconciling the
    // state, and will be set to a token value suitable for
    // programmatic interpretation.
    // +optional
    ErrorReason common.ClusterStatusError `json:"errorReason,omitempty"`

    // If set, indicates that there is a problem reconciling the
    // state, and will be set to a descriptive error message.
    // +optional
    ErrorMessage string `json:"errorMessage,omitempty"`

    // Provider-specific status.
    // It is recommended that providers maintain their
    // own versioned API types that should be
    // serialized/deserialized from this field.
    // +optional
    ProviderStatus *runtime.RawExtension `json:"providerStatus,omitempty"`

Cluster Actuator Interface

All methods should be idempotent.

Reconcile() will be called whenever there is a change to the Cluster Spec, or after every resync period.

If a Cluster resource is deleted, the controller will call the actuator's Delete() method until it succeeds, or the finalizer is removed (see below).

TODO: Determine what the current resync period is.

// Actuator controls clusters on a specific infrastructure. All
// methods should be idempotent unless otherwise specified.
type Actuator interface {
    // Reconcile creates or applies updates to the cluster.
    Reconcile(*clusterv1.Cluster) error
    // Delete the cluster.
    Delete(*clusterv1.Cluster) error

Cluster Controller Semantics

  1. If the Cluster hasn't been deleted and doesn't have a finalizer, add one.
  2. If the Cluster is being deleted, and there is no finalizer, we're done.
  3. Call the provider specific Delete() method.
    • If the Delete() method returns true, remove the finalizer, we're done.
  4. If the Cluster has not been deleted, call the Reconcile() method.

cluster object reconciliation logic

cluster object reconciliation logic

cluster object creation sequence

Cluster object creation

cluster object deletion sequence

Cluster object deletion

results matching ""

    No results matching ""