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What is the Cluster API?

The Cluster API is a Kubernetes project to bring declarative, Kubernetes-style APIs to cluster creation, configuration, and management. It provides optional, additive functionality on top of core Kubernetes. By making use of structured nature of kubernetes APIs it is possible to build higher-level cloud agnostic tools which improve user experience by allowing for greater ease of use and more sophisticated automation.

Who is this book for now?

Kubernetes Developers

Kubernetes Developers will learn how to develop Cluster API providers which allow Kubernetes to be deployed to ever more environments, thereby increasing how often and where users can deploy their applications.

Including the ability to:

  • Develop new Cluster and Machine controllers.
  • Develop automation on top of MachineSets and MachineDeployments as well as other Cluster API resources. For example,
    • Cloud agnostic upgrade and repair tools.
    • Cluster autoscalers.
    • Etc.

Who else will this book be for in the future?

Kubernetes Users

A Kubernetes User can be an Application User, Developer, or anyone else who needs access to a Kubernetes cluster. One of the aims of the Cluster API project is to leverage the relative uniformity of Kubernetes APIs and associated tooling to make it easier for ordinary users to access computational resources in a portable way.

Infrastructure Engineers

Infrastructure Engineers will learn the fundamental concepts of how Kubernetes clusters are built according to best practices, and how they can be managed through Kubernetes native abstractions.

Including the ability to:

  • Create reproducible Kubernetes clusters.
  • Create hybrid cloud environments which optimize for cost, performance, and reliability.


This section describes how to use the navigation elements of this book.

Code Navigation

Code samples may be either displayed to the side of the corresponding documentation, or inlined immediately afterward. This setting may be toggled using the split-screen icon at the left side of the top nav.

Table of Contents

The table of contents may be hidden using the hamburger icon at the left side of the top nav.

OS / Language Navigation

Some chapters have code snippets for multiple OS or Languages. These chapters will display OS or Language selections at the right side of the top nav, which may be used to change the OS or Language of the examples shown.

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